Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mano Photobox

Mano Photobox
Acrylic on Wood panel
22" x 19" inches

This painting was done from a poloroid photograph that I slid back inside the empty poloroid film cartridge as a frame. I recreated the photo and frame in the painting. This tribute to portraiture plays on photography's role in changing how people's images are recorded and captured. The aesthetic of the poloroid, now out-dated by digital, still holds a strong place in many photographers' and artists' hearts. Traditional painted portraiture is also still highly regarded by some, though a lot of it, is aided by photography. The skin tone in the painting is left the color of the wood panel, leaving the trace of the raw material calling to mind the alchemy of art. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Faded Prodigy

Faded Prodigy
22" x 18.5"inches
Acrylic and Latex on wood panel

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Brooklyn Naval Drawings

Demologos a.k.a. USS Fulton
after a drawing by Samuel Ward Stanton 1895
Ink on Paper

One more in the series of illustrations where I dug up (Googled) old pictures of Brooklyn Naval History and recreated them in ink. Thanks to Robert Fulton for designing the Demologos and Samuel Ward Stanton for drawing it for his book.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ol' melthead compooter

Ol' Melthead makes a return to the blog via Adobe photo/illustrate back-country roads. Sketchbook makes it through the compu in one piece and a nice digital piece it is. Shoot, I'd hire this guy for some design jobs or some shit. Blogs are soo biased. Agree?