Friday, November 25, 2011

CIvilized Nuclear Power Vs. New Killer Powers EDIT

This is an illustration that I re-edited, and decided to post in light of the most recent press regarding Nuclear Iran. Via Truthdig:

Last week,the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog agency expressed “serious concerns” over Iran’s nuclear program in a strongly worded report that claimed that there is evidence that Iran might be developing an atomic weapon.  This is the stuff of “fantasyland,” according to The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh. The investigative journalist appeared on Monday’s “Democracy Now!” broadcast to give his take on the IAEA’s agenda, which he said reminds him of a similar situation in our nation’s not-so-distant past.

Watch the video below to hear Seymour Hersh on Democracy Now!

In the re-edit I also added an oblivious-american character, one of those that get marched off to war with propaganda that makes them believe they are defending freedom. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

VIDEO: Jared Diamond on why societies collapse

I read this book by Jared Diamond (author of Guns, Germs, and Steel) a few years ago, seems worth posting in light of current global social unrest and ideas for how to proceed. Directly intervening and rising up to stop the processes that are leading to societal collapse is what is happening around the world. Around 12 minutes in this video from 2003, he goes into why societies fail to act when facing collapse. The short-term gains of greedy investors allowed them to justify their pilfering of our economy, while ultimately causing the collapse of the system they used to sustain themselves.

The following painting that I did shortly after reading Collapse. It is titled, Collapsable Maps, A Growing Pessimism for the Times